Event Sponsorships - How to Partner With Local Businesses

Event Sponsorships – How to Partner With Local Businesses

In the diverse landscape of community engagement, schools, community theaters, and various organizations are often at the forefront, striving to provide enriching experiences. However, one of the challenges they face is securing adequate funding for these events. Amidst tightening budgets and growing aspirations, event sponsorships from local businesses offer a mutually beneficial solution. Despite the potential, many of these organizations find themselves navigating uncharted waters when it comes to soliciting sponsorships. Let’s take a closer look at what sponsorships are and their different types.

Understanding Event Sponsorships

A sponsorship is a partnership where a business provides support to an organization or event, typically in exchange for advertising or promotional benefits. This support can manifest in various forms:

Financial or Cash Sponsorships: The most straightforward form, where a business provides monetary support to help cover event costs.

Goods or Services: Instead of cash, a business might offer products or services that the organization needs, such as catering or printing services.

Media/Free Advertising: A media company might offer free advertising space or airtime to help promote the event.

Promotional Partners: This could involve a social media influencer or a well-known local figure endorsing your event, thereby lending their reach and influence to boost visibility.

Selling Ad Space: Initially, this may not be a full-fledged partnership but it could lead to one. Selling ad space on your event page, print-at-home tickets, or merch items to potential and existing sponsors helps generate additional income and puts their business in front of your audience, expanding their reach. It’s a win-win for both parties. 

sponsorship for events

Tips for Securing Sponsorships

There is a certain amount of finesse involved in securing event sponsorships. Here are some tips to help smooth the process and provide greater results.

Research Potential Sponsors: Start by identifying local businesses that align with your organization’s values and audience. Look for companies that have a history of community involvement or that might benefit from the exposure your event can provide.

Reach Out to Established Companies: Don’t shy away from approaching established businesses. They often have dedicated budgets for sponsorships and are looking for opportunities to enhance their community presence.

Find the Right Contact: Within each potential sponsor organization, seek out the person responsible for marketing or community relations. This individual will be your key point of contact for sponsorship discussions.

Tell Your Organization’s Story: When reaching out to potential event sponsors, share your organization’s mission, the impact of your events, and how their support can make a difference. A compelling narrative can resonate more than a generic pitch.

Use Data to Legitimize Your Pitch: Back your proposal with data. Highlight your event’s reach, audience demographics, and past successes. Concrete numbers can bolster your case and demonstrate the value you offer.

Get to Know Potential Sponsors: Building a relationship with potential sponsors is crucial. Approach them armed with knowledge about their business. Understand their business goals and how a partnership with your organization can help achieve them.

Offer Sponsor Incentives: Clearly outline what sponsors will gain from the partnership. This could range from logo placement on promotional materials to opportunities for on-site engagement during the event.

Be Sure to Follow up: Persistence is key. Follow up with potential sponsors after your initial contact and keep them updated on your event’s progress. Regular communication keeps your proposal top of mind.

Remember, forging partnerships with local businesses through sponsorships can be a game-changer for schools, community theaters, and other organizations. By understanding the different types of sponsorships, strategically approaching potential sponsors, and effectively communicating the value of your event, you can unlock new avenues of support. There are other ways to increase your funding. BookTix is one of them.

event sponsorship

Event Ticketing with BookTix

In addition to event sponsorships, leveraging tools like BookTix can help you make the most of your organization’s funds. The most user-friendly online ticketing system, BookTix enables organizations to manage event ticket sales with ease. Our cost-effective platform ensures that most of the funds generated by ticket sales are channeled directly into your events and not on the tedious task of manual ticket sales and tracking. 

You can even generate additional revenue for your organization by selling ads to potential and existing sponsors on your event page or print-at-home tickets. Worried setting up the ads will be too difficult? Not with BookTix! On your event page, print-at-home tickets, or merch items, the process is simple.

By partnering with BookTix, organizations can streamline their ticketing process, and provide a seamless purchasing experience for event attendees while making your funding go further. Book a demo today!

Event Sponsorship FAQs

What is event sponsorship?

Event sponsorship is a partnership between a business and an organization where the business provides support in exchange for advertising or promotional benefits at an event.

What are the different types of event sponsorships?

The main types of event sponsorships include financial or cash sponsorships, in-kind sponsorships (goods or services), media/free advertising sponsorships, and promotional partnerships (such as with social media influencers or local figures).

How can I identify potential sponsors for my event?

Start by researching local businesses that align with your organization’s values and audience. Look for companies with a history of community involvement or those that could benefit from the exposure your event offers.

What are some tips for approaching potential sponsors?

When reaching out to potential sponsors, find the right contact within the organization, share your organization’s story, use data to support your pitch, get to know the business’s goals, offer clear incentives for sponsoring, and follow up regularly.

How can BookTix help with event funding?

BookTix is a user-friendly online ticketing system that helps organizations manage event ticket sales efficiently. Our cost-effective platform ensures that more funds from ticket sales go directly to your event. You can even generate additional revenue by selling ads to potential and existing sponsors on your event page, print-at-home tickets, or merch items.

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